Workcations – Could you be a digital nomad?


Workcation combines work and vacation, take your job travelling!

Not only does this allow you to experience new cultures and destinations, but it can also have numerous benefits for your life.

As we head into a new year of 2023- what will it mean for our working patterns?.. There is a lot of opportunities for a more flexible and hybrid way to work for many. When you feel like you’re getting cabin fever or want to break out of your comfort zone and try new things, have you considered mixing business and pleasure and renting a property away from home for week or more. 

It gives a new perspective, a fresh energy as it tends to when travelling. It’s also like a test to see in reality how it might be live in a particular area. Never have we been more nomadic and free to pick up our lives to try somewhere new!

Our serviced houses and apartments are set up with work in mind and where we are able we have dedicated working spaces and a study room in Millbrook-Living in Cheltenham (pictured). 

We’d love to hear what hybrid working you’ve developed in the past few years. We know we’re fortunate enough to host many great guests from a variety of professions. For some self-owned businesses this may even be tax deductible.

The best reason we can think of of trying a workcation is to help reduce stress and increase productivity by getting away from the distractions and demands of the office. 

So why not consider a workcation?

#digital nomad#workcation#travel#hybrid work#2023 trends#mental heath support#positivity#creativity#imagination

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